So that the future
has a future

Responsibility begins before action


Act sustainably

An old thought rediscovered

Today, "sustainability" is an ubiquitous term. 300 years ago, when Hans Carl von Carlowitz formulated the principle of sustainability in forestry, he ventured into uncharted territory. In his forestry book, he demanded that for every tree felled, a new one must grow. With this logical conclusion, Carlowitz created an important cornerstone for forestry. Although the basic idea has not changed since then, it is more relevant today than ever.

Those who profit bear responsibility. It is as simple as that.

We are also convinced of Carlowitz's basic principle and care for our environment. We are not only mindful in the choice of our resources, but also in their use. For us, sustainability is not just lip service, but everyday life!


That's what we
stand for


Regional resources

Wood as a natural building material

As a renewable raw material, wood has an excellent ecological balance. Not only does wood occupy a top position in the manufacturing process. But also over the entire lifetime of a house, wood is far ahead in terms of sustainability and resource conservation.

Wood has a special aura. The renewable building material with its unmistakable character, its timeless beauty and its warmth has a whole range of advantages in terms of building physics. Wood is never simply wood. The natural raw material offers an astonishing variety of shapes and colours that achieve their very own aesthetics and spatial effect.


1+1=3 - Produce more energy than you consume

In our production hall, we work with a lot of energy. And we also need a lot of energy. Energy that we produce ourselves, because the production hall is designed as a power plant. Almost a perpetual motion machine.

Located on our roof is a photovoltaic system with an area of over 1,200 m². It achieves a peak output of more than 174 kWp and produces around 228,000 kWh of electricity per year. The efficiency is so high that we can even supply the surplus thermal energy to the village via a district heating pipeline.

Picture: Solar panels on UFFER main building

Warmth from the forest

Where wood is chopped, splinters must fall. We also produce splinters during the production of our QUADRINs. But we can reuse them and convert them into pleasant heat.

We produce a lot of waste wood. This wood is processed into wood chips and then reused to heat our halls. With our wood waste, we can heat the entire administration and production building and are not dependent on any other energy sources apart from our photovoltaic system.

Image: Woodchips